Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1/2 chicken, cut into serving pieces
4 cups water
1 teaspoon salt
6 whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon
2 clove garlic, minced or pressed
6 whole black pepper seeds
6 whole cardamom seeds
2 cups rice, washed and drained
1/4 cup vegetable oil

2 medium potatoes, washed, pealed, and cut into 1/2 inch cubes
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 teaspoon Middle Eastern spice
1 teaspoon curry
4 hard-boiled eggs (shelled)

In a 5-quart pot, combine chicken, water, salt, cloves, cinnamon, garlic,pepper, and cardamom. Bring to a boil on high heat. Reduce heat to medium and cook until chicken is tender. Remove chicken from broth and let cool, then remove skin and bones and shred the meat.Add rice to the broth and cook the rice according to the instructions in he Basic Cooked Rice recipe, substituting the broth for the water (add more water if needed).In a large frying pan, heat oil. Fry potatoes in hot oil until golden brown. Remove potatoes onto a plate with paper towels to absorb excess oil.In the same oil, fry onions until soft, remove to the paper towel with the fried potatoes. Discard oil.In the frying pan, combine chicken, fried potatoes, fried onions, Middle Eastern spice, and curry. Stir to coat, cook on medium heat for few minutes or until warm and well blended.

Place chicken and potato mixture and the hard-boiled eggs in the pot on top of the rice. Cover.Simmer on low heat for about 30 minutes. Remove from heat, let stand for 10 more minutes.To serve, remove the eggs, mix well, and spoon onto a large platter and garnish with the eggs. Serve with green salad.