Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3/4 cup of sugar
3 tbsp honey
2 tbsp glucose
50g unsalted butter
1/3 cup of water
400 untoasted muesli or toasted whichever you prefer
add a tablesppon of each chopped dried fruits of pineapple, mango, peaches, apple, coconut, or whatever dried fruits you prefer. (optional)
3 tablesppon lightly toasted oatbran. (optional)

Line shallow rectangle tin with foil and brush it with melted butter or oil.

Combine sugar, honey, glucose, butter and water in a medium heavy based pan and stir on low heat till sugar has dissolved.

Brush sugar crystals from side of pan with wet pastry brush.

Bring to boil then reduce heat and let it boil without stiring. Let it boil until a teaspoon of mixture dropped into the cold water reaches hard-boil stage. Then turn of the heat.

If using a sugar thermometer it must reach 122C.

Place muesli in a large mixing bowl. (not plastic) Pour in toffee mixture and quickly stir to combine.

Pour into prepared tin and smooth out the surface with the back of the spoon.

Score into 20 to 24 bars while warm and cut through when cold.

If you are not weight conscious you may melt 200 grams of chopped semi sweet cooking chocolates in the top of a double boiler over a hot water not simmering water. Stir till melted and dip one side of the bar with chocolate and set aside. Do the rest with the bars.

Serve with a smile