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Tarragon is a very aromatic herb and is usually used in chicken, fish or egg dishes. It adds a wonderful flavor to cream sauces too.

Serves 2 Prep Time 6 minutes + 60 minutes marinating time Cooking Time 10 minutes

2 thick slices of fish (salmon, gindara, tuna, or tanigue)
1 teaspoon tarragon
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon paprika
salt and pepper
1 lemon, juiced
olive oil or butter

1 Marinate fish in thyme, lemon juice, tarragon, salt, pepper, and paprika for at least 60 minutes.
2 Place on a hot grill pan or nonstick pan brushed with olive oil or butter.
3 Cook for about 4 minutes then flip and cook the other side.
4 Serve with lemon wedges on the side.