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This very rich yeast dough (with egg yolks and 1 pound of butter) is divided into portions, spread with a filling of ground nuts, sugar and egg whites, then rolled up and baked.

# 1 large cake of yeast
# 1 tsp sugar
# 1/2 cup warm water
# 1 can evaporated milk
# 1 lb. butter, cut up
# 2 tsp salt
# 1/2 cup sugar
# 7 egg yolks
# 2 cups sour cream
# About 10 cups flour
# Filling:
# 7 egg whites
# 2 cups sugar
# 2 tsp vanilla
# 1 can evaporated milk
# 3 lbs ground nuts
# 1/2-3/4 water, if needed, to make filling spreadable
# Optional, add 1/2 cup fine coconut or 1/2 cup raisins to the nuts after grinding
Servings: 12 rolls
Place yeast in a small bowl with 1 tsp sugar and warm water; cover until needed. In a large saucepan, heat and stir the milk, butter, salt and 1/2 cup sugar until butter is melted, then let cool. In a very large bowl, beat egg yolks; add sour cream, the saucepan contents, and the yeast mixture in the small bowl. Slowly add flour and mix well with hands, adding more flour until dough is soft, then continue adding flour until dough is not sticky but not enough to make the dough moderately stiff. It takes more than 8 cups. When mixed well, divide into 12 equal balls; cover then set aside in a warm area. For Filing: Beat egg whites until frothy; slowly add sugar, vanilla and milk. Stir in ground nuts. If needed, add enough water until filling is spreadable. Roll out each ball of dough, like a jelly roll, and spread with 1 full cup of filling. Spread filling to end of three of the sides of dough, leaving about a 1/2-inch edge plain on fourth side. Fold over about 1/2-inch of three sides and roll to fourth side to resemble a jelly roll. Moisten fourth side with a little water to seal; place seam side down on greased baking sheet. A standard baking sheet will hold two. Puncture dough with a sharp knife in two or three places before baking to release steam. Bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes until done. When baked, remove from trays and place on baking cloth; butter the tops. You can also drizzle with powdered sugar, mixed with vanilla and water, to a thin icing consistency; let harden.

Notes: When completely cool, wrap well in foil. You can freeze, or tie with a ribbon and give as a delightful gift, or slice diagonally and served. Instead of the nut mixture, you can also use 1 jar of bakers fruit fillings or poppy seed filling. You can also make cinnamon rolls, monkey bread, pecan or walnut rolls with this dough.