Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Yield: 8 Servings

1 ea Head of Nappa cabbage
2 ea Head Bok Choy cabbage
1/2 ea Daikon (2 cups)
3 tb Salt
1 qt Water
1/3 c Vinegared Hot Pepper Paste
1/2 tb Red chile powder

Yup, she's up to something again! Kid's version of Kimchi? Ya gotta be
kidding! Kids won't get within a country mile of that stuff!

Ok, to start with, this isnt all that hot. The trick is the vinegared
Chile paste. It's from Korea, doesnt taste like Vinegar and is almost a
hot-n-sweet BBQ sauce. Even kids in a chile-wuss family can handle this
one straight. Add the red chile powder (I use a Japanese version) to
taste. Nappa cabbage is otherwise known as 'Asian' cabbage but you can
in other types for it and the bok choy if you need to where you are.
is a large white root that is related to the radish but mild in flavor.
Omit if you can not find it.

Kimchi isnt a super 'fast' thing as it has to cure on the counter for at
least 12 hours. Chop the veggies all up small (I made matchsticks of the
daikon) then add to water and the salt. Yes, it's alot of salt. Set this
on the counter in a plastic container and just turn the mix over or shake
it up when you think about it. Depending on how crisp you want it, let
this sit from 12-36 hours (longer, less crisp).

When it's your desired crispness, up-end the container into a collander
rinse with fresh water then put it back in the container and add the rest
of the ingredients.

Optional additions: MILD chiles (it's a kids dish!), whole baby carrots,

Serving suggestions: With sliced mango at the side. This is in itself a
side dish and makes a nice topper for rice or glass noodles.