Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
6 Tb yeast
3/4 cup warm water
pinch sugar
pinch flour
4 cups cold milk
1/2 tsp vanilla

3/4 cup soft butter
9 eggs
3 Tb lemon rind
3/4 cup sugar
15 or so cups flour
3 lbs butter

Proof 6 pkg. of dry yeast using warm water, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of flour and let froth. Make a soft well-developed dough using milk, 3/4 cup soft butter, 15 or so cups of flour, eggs, lemon rind and vanilla Let the dough rise until double in the refrigerator and then divide into 4 portions. Layer each piece of dough with half it's weight in butter using the letter-fold technique. Give it 4 turns, every half-hour, and then let rest for three hours before using. This dough is unusual in that it is made with cold ingredients. But it will rise nontheless, just slowly.

Shapes to make- Swiss rolls, turnovers, schnecken, Danish loaves with apricot, nuts, cinnamon and sugar, chocolate croissants, cinnamon raisin

Cheese filling- 1 1/2 lb each cream cheese, ricotta. Some sugar to taste, 5 eggs, 1 cup cream of wheat, chopped raisins and lemon rind. For Swiss rolls and blechinka omit sugar and raisins and add some shredded cheddar cheese.