Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1/4 lb pork butt, boned 1 tb thin soy sauce
1 ea large cucumber (or zucchini) 1 tb sherry
1 ea clove garlic, minced 1 ea pinch sugar
2 tb peanut oil 1/2 c chicken stock
1/4 ts salt 1 tb cornstarch paste
6 servings
Preparation: Slice pork butt across grain, then into strips 1/4"
thick by 2" long. Marinate with soy sauce, sherry & sugar for 15
minutes. Peel cucumber; slice in half the long way & remove seeds;
slice in strips to match pork; marinate in salt water for 15 minutes.
Stir-frying: Heat wok until very hot; add 1/2 of oil. Drain pork;
reserve liguid. When oil just begins to smoke, add pork & stir-fry
rapidly for about 1 minute until shrivelled. Remove pork from wok;
wash wok.
Reheat wok until very hot; add remaining oil. Drain cucumber. When
oil just begins to smoke, add cucumber and stir-fry rapidly until
heated through - about 30 seconds. Add pork & garlic; stir briefly;
add stock. Bring stock to boil; then stir in enough cornstarch paste
to make a light gravy. Bring sauce to boil. Serve.
Serves 6