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"Rice Stick" (rice noodles, saifun)
Oil for frying
2 Chicken Breasts (boneless & skinless)
Teriyaki Sauce (thick, "barbecue" style is best)
1-2 bunches Green Onions
1/2 to 1 head Lettuce (Iceberg)
Rice Vinegar (I use plain, but you can use "seasoned")

Break noodles into small pieces and fry as directed on package, until they puff up. Drain and set aside.

Cook chicken in microwave until almost done, then slice into thin strips and toss to coat in Teriyaki sauce. Return to microwave and complete cooking.

Shred lettuce (narrow strips) and chop green onion.

Place lettuce, chicken, onion, and noodles in a large bowl. Add a small amount of vinegar for "dressing" and toss well.

Warning: This salad can be addictive. Make lots