Soak in water and vinegar for a while and if the smell is still there, pour out the liquid and sprinkle baking soda over it and let it set for a while. That should do it.
there is a product called odorzout. you can buy it at pet stores, it is actually used to get pet odors out of carpet, etc. try sprinkling some inside your garbage can and let it sit in there for a while. also, you could try mixing the odorzout powder with some hot water and use the solution to scrub down your garbage can. you can use it on your carpet, in your laundry, in stinky shoes, it's great. if you have stinky shoes, sprinkle some in there and leave it overnight, then pour it out. it works great!
Soak in boiling water and add vinegar & lemon juice , leave like this for 10 min´s . once the water has cooled down , swirl the water around the can, Throw away the water and rinse with cold . Then with 1/2 a lemon rub around the inside of the can, leave for 5 min´s then rinse and dry well. Leave he can outside if you can so it gets fresh air.
Use one of those bleach-based cleaning solutions that are supposed to remove mold and fungus from tile (Tilex or Chlorox makes a spray gel). Or you could use a splash of bleach and dilute it with water. Take it outside to apply whatever you use and avoid breathing the fumes. Make sure the bleach solution contacts all of the sides of the trash can (swish it around). Be careful not to splash the bleach onto your clothes - it will put spots on them and possibly burn holes through them next time you wash. Also, avoid getting the bleach on your hands or skin. It could burn and you'll be smelling bleach for the rest of the day.Leave the trash can to sit for a few minutes. Then rinse it out with a hose, and then wash it with a detergent soap (like dishwashing liquid). Rinse and dry with a towel. No more stink.
Wash the can with vinegar/water, u can use baking soda or . a stick up in side the container, which I do and also I use scented trash bags,I take out the trash daily and clean weekly.
Garbage PailsDeodorize your garbage pailswith 20 MULE TEAM® Borax.After washing the empty pailwith a solution of 20 MULETEAM® Borax Natural LaundryBooster and warm water, sprinklea little dry 20 MULE TEAM®Borax in the bottom of the drypail. Then as the pail becomes full,repeat the process to minimizespoiled food odors.The same procedure can be usedfor outdoor trash barrels, especiallyduring warm weather months. time fix, but then again I'm old,,,lol
i always pour boiling water into the bin some washing up liquid a half bottle of lemon juice and some bicarbonate of soda leave to soak until the water has cooled, empty and dry it makes your bin smell nice and gets rid of the nasty odours, it does work as that is how i do mine.
wash can regularly, before new bag goes in put thin layer of arm and hammer baking soda in bottom of can.
I have washed mine with Clorox, or vinegar before and let it set out in fresh air a while. Both cleaners helped eliminate the odor.
Baking soda removes odors on contact. You can use it straight or add a little warm water to it and make a paste.To santise and deordorise, fill with warm water and add one part bleach to one part baking soda and let it sit for at least 10 mins. Overnight would be best.
Use baking soda , that will take the smell out , plus vinegar , although vinegar will smell for a day or to, but it works .vinegar is good for so many things .
Wash it out with white vinegar this will remove the odor. Then before you put in a new bag, add some Baking Soda to the bottom of the can, that will also work on taking away odors.
Sprinkle Baking Soda and then Cinnamon or any spice you like to the mix. Will not only keep it smelling nice but will absorb the odor out of the plastic garbage can. That is really where the smell is coming from.
First clean thoroughly with bleach, and let dry. Then every time you change the trash place a fresh charcoal cube, ( the kind with no starter fluid), in the bottom of the can before putting in a new bag. Charcoal naturally absorbs odors. One bag of charcoal is a lot cheaper than carpet freshener and will last longer too.
Try washing it out with baking soda,it's a odor obsorber it should help.My husband used it to get fish smell out of his cooler it worked!
scrub it with a baking soda paste.. mix baking soda with water to make a paste leave it on to dry and set it outside in the sun for a few hours.. bring it back in and wash it out..
use bleach take it out side pour bleach in it and rinse it out after about ten min that should help if not use some amonia.