Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Simple but delicious. A tapa you can find in many places in Spain. Easy to make, easy to eat. Little mushrooms grilled and seasoned with olive oil, garlic and parsley, three favourite ingredients in Spain.


Some fresh mushrooms
Some drops of lemon juice
Some extra virgin olive oil
Some parsley
2 cloves of chopped garlic
Some salt

The first thing we will do is to clean the mushrooms. We have to do this carefully. We will remove the stalk of the mushrooms and then we will clean them with a wet cloth. Now we will put the mushrooms in a bowl with water and some drops of lemon juice. After doing this, it is very important to dry the mushrooms completely.
Then we can prepare the dressing for our mushrooms. We will mix the garlic, the parsley and the salt with the extra virgin olive oil. Now we will heat a grill pan and when it is hot, we will put the mushrooms on it. We will put some of the dressing on the mushrooms. We will let them cook for a couple of minutes and then we will turn the mushrooms back adding more dressing on them. We will let them finish cooking two more minutes and we will have our Champiñones al Ajillo ready. And now enjoy!