Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
3 ea cucumbers, cut in sticks 1/2 ea head cauliflower, broken int
1/4 lb mushrooms, whole 2 ea green peppers, cut in sticks
1/2 ea bunch celery, cut in sticks 3 ea zucchini, cut in sticks
1/2 ea bunch carrots, cut in sticks 1/2 ea bunch green onions, trimmed
1/2 lb cherry tomatoes, whole
12 servings
1 c buttermilk 1 pk dressing mix
1 c mayonnaise

Arrange the vegetables on a tray. Chill 1 hour before serving. Combine
dip ingredients and place in serving bowl. Ready to serve.
For a low calorie dip, substitute lo-fat creamed cottage cheese for the
mayonnaise. Serves 12 or more.