Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Only use New Potatoes!!!!
boil about thirty new potatoes but be careful not to over cook,they should be all done Just before the skins start to split,anything past this & you risk getting mushy salad.
when done drain potatoes & leave to cool.When ready peel the potatoes & slice about 1 cm thick then put aside. Peeling the potatoes is tricky but this meal is more than worth it!

in a blender put 1 decent sized chopped onion
1 cup of malt vinegar
half cup of water
2 tablespoons of sugar,,( sorry just remembered you should dissolve the sugar in a little hot water first before adding to the blender)******
half a teaspoon of White pepper
half a teaspoon salt
blend Well!!

Now put 2 large jars of mayo into a bowl
pour in the blended stuff & mix well!
Your nearly done!
Now just Gently mix the potatoes & mayo.
DONE!...........BEST served Chilled


Slice 1 large red onion thinly
put 4 cups of malt vinegar into a bowl & half cup of water
dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar in a little hot water & add to bowl
Add 1 flat teaspoon of black pepper
and 1 flat teaspoon of salt
add 6 tablespoons of olive oil

Now add the onions & give it all a good mix then pour over sliced potatoes & gently mix again.

Best Served Chilled!!

1pkt breadcrumbs

Best with veal but great with pork!!
do about 12 pork steaks to go with the salad
hammer out each steak thinly but not full of holes
put some plain flour into a clear bag (about 1 quarter full) & add 1 teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of white pepper, seal the bag & shake & mix contents.Put the breadcrumbs in a tray

Now beat 6 eggs in a bowl.More air will make a lighter nicer coating.
One at a time take each steak and put it in the bag & coat each one completely then dip in the egg & wipe off any excess then put on top of bread crumbs coat evenly & Gently shallow fry until Golden brown!.Serve with potato salad.
Garnish with lettuce tomatoes cucumber.