Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 tablespoon butter
1 garlic clove -- minced
1/2 onion -- chopped
1 cup of fresh corn kernels -- off the cob
1/2 jalapeño chile -- minced
2/3 cup chopped tomato (about 1/2 a large tomato)
4 large or 6 medium shrimp -- cleaned and coarsely chopped
2 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoon minced cilantro
Salt to taste
3/4 cup grated Oaxacan string cheese (or mozzarella)
6 six inch flour tortillas
1 cup Confetti Salsa (see recipe)

In a medium sauté pan over medium heat combine the butter, garlic, onion and corn and cook the mixture until the garlic turns light brown. Add the
jalapeño and tomato and cook for 4 minutes or until the tomato is softened. Add the shrimp, lemon juice and cilantro and cook until the shrimp is

Recipe Notes:
Place one tortilla in a non-stick skillet over low heat and top with 1/4 cup grated cheese. Spoon 1/2 a cup of corn mixture over the cheese and top
with another tortilla. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes, pressing down on the top tortilla with a spatula until you can feel the corn mixture sticking to the
melted cheese. Turn carefully and cook on the other side pressing down with the spatula to stick the quesadilla together. Repeat for each quesadilla.
Put each quesadilla on a plate, cut into quarters and top with Confetti Salsa. Serve with a green salad with fat-free dressing. Yields 3 quesadillas

Fresh gulf shrimp and sweet corn straight off the cob are a sensational combination. With a zesty salsa on top and a tossed green salad on the side,
this makes a stunning summertime lunch.