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I am cleaning house today. Please let me know your favorite great cleaning tips?
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Household cleaning tips?

I prefer to use, Dow Scrubbing bubble in the bath, it also washes a whole bunch of other items around the can thoroughly clean widows using rubbing alcohol coupled with newspaper. For those who have any spices, place them in a pan of water upon your stove and allow them to simmer...monitor it at at times and add water when necessary....When the climate is nice, raise the windows Turn favorite music on, light candles, finally, enjoy yourself....
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Household cleaning tips?

Use an ostrich feather duster for dusting. do not take everything off of the counter at once. pick one item up, thoroughly clean beneath it, then put it back up. operate in 15 minute with the kitched fifteen, then your livingroom, then this bedroom, after that break for twelve to fifteen. and then start out yet again.
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Turn it into a game so it's more enjoyable!

Absolutely no youngsters in your house along with High volume Music and lots of singing.

Thoroughly clean good once every seven days as well as pick and straighten up objects on daily basis...

Quick 'N Brite :) the stuff is awesome!
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I'v discovered the vast majority of my own housecleaning tips within the following books:

1. Heloise's Hints For Working Women by Heloise Published by Printice Hall
2. How to Clean Practically anything by Consumer Reports and Published by Consumer Reports
3. Betty-Anne's Helpful Household Hints by Betty-Anne Hastings with Mary-Beth Connors Published by Hastings-Connors

1 thing which often I've found to be useful:

Baking Soda is a gentle chemical-free scrubbing product. Dust on crusted casseroles and other kitchenware and permit it rest for just for five minutes. Lightly scrub and rinse out. Baking soda is also a a great advantage in the bath, wash the soap scum within your bathroom. Plus it can actually be a leavening agent for your cooking of which require baking soda in such as biscuits and Toll House cookies. I also came across this right off of the website I hope you obtain the advice you will seek.

Best of luck!
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Easy Homemade Microwave Cleaner - Washing ones microwave could not get any simpler than it!

1 Cup h2o
1 Fresh lemon sliced

1. Boil a cup of h2o along with lemon slices inside your dirty microwave for 25 secs.
2. This will weaken the solidified food particles within, whilst your micro wave will appear brand -new!

Another way to get odors out of the microwave oven, I like to put half a of lemon with lemon juices in to a microwave safe container for just two minutes on high. The high heat and in addition the acid in the lemon aid get the bothersome stains out and also the smell is good and refreshing.To acquire candle tarts out of the tart holders I prefer to placed the whole thing within your fridge freezer. Wait around a day or two and it pops out effortlessly itself.To eliminate ants I personally use dish soap within my mop water. As it rains inside The Florida area a lot, we get ants frequently, nonetheless whenever I clean the floors with dish soap they do not return for months! I hope this really helped. : )
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

The Swifter Dry Mop works great. I personally use that on my wood flooring but I also use it on my wall surfaces and ceilings to clean off dust and spiderwebs. The lengthy handle makes it simple to work with.
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

I recently came across a cool bin at Target in my city. It's 3 bins inside it piled up, and it's also got wheels. I have a truly messy craft table, so with aid from my mum we cleaned out the craft table within only two of the bins and that we completely got rid of the craft table.
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

I like swifter too, it is fast to make use of, and practical. Among my personal favorite cleaning tips is certainly going "wholesale". Rather than cleaning one room at any given time, When i first undergo all of the house putting things within their places, then dust the entire house after which vacuum the entire house. For me personally keeping things within their places is the greatest tip. Even when a home is not too tidy it provides a neat look.
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

I really like my stick vacuum! Well, loved. My dog ate the filter, and I can't finding a replacement, i "could" order one on web, however it bothers me that the shipping really is more expensive then filter! Wipe up one bathroom each day and with individuals clorox wipes - Sink/faucet, toilet, floor = bathroom ALWAYS clean!Eliminate junk/clutter.Eliminate excess towelage! This absolutely transformed my existence! Each member of the family has two towels of the identical color. Both acquire one each week. Every week I pick all of them up, and clean them, and replace all of them with the new ones I cleaned a week ago. This really is a lot better than facing a mountain of towels every couple of days.
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

We like cooking inside the house which we use items that are so hard to clean! Should you use a gas oven that which we do now's put foil underneath, when you clean remove foil and basically wipe underneath rather than getting pesky cooking stains in your oven!
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

Baking Soda - it is not just for cooking!I take advantage of this to wash greasy areas with the food prep area and grill. Sprinkle straight to the greasey area then rub using a moist sponge. Rinse and everything shines.

Black heel marks on flooring - dry Baking Soda and moist sponge removes them easily.

Freshen clothes inside the washer- put some Baking Soda into you washer with your clothes - helps remove smells too (I did this yesterday with clothes we used at a bonfire - they smelled really bad of smoke - the now smell fresh and clean).

put 1 cup baking soda in your drain,
pour in 1/2 cup vinegar,
let it bubble then pour in the large pot of boiling water.

Cleans the pipes without any yucky oders.
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

Dr Bronner's All-in-one Liquid Hemp Miracle [or regardless of what the entire title is]-in Peppermint:

It can shampoo your area rugs and remove fleas from your dogs, cleans hair[that we don't recommend because it does clean but has a tendency to tangle]-hands-body-face and it'll also help your complexion[honestly], i've never found anything better for laundry stains, have a facial and use as deodorant, cleans dishes and your kitchen floor.

I can not even remember all I've used DB [effectively] for. It's all natural, and made from renewable resourses, condensed for super value, smells so nice you can frequently bring your empty to some coop or nutrition store to refill-no extra plastic.

No, I do not work with the label. Take a look and you will see the reason.--Also, I love a hair blowdryer for dusting-good w/lampshades & like this.---But I like to possess a box of static guard dryer sheets. I'm not sure of the brand or cost matter. Maybe but I personally use a budget one so...hum?

Ideal for dusting. Run one over your over-clingly clothes-if you have a pocket place it inside later on. It will help keep your outfit static free. And when you get sticky again you have a handy & discreet solution [-and that i SWEAR i got this from the 3 sources-] which should REPEL BEES. You believe? Allegedly. Stash a few inside your dresser drawers together with your clothing. Maintainance for vertical blinds.

Have fun;)
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

The most popular cleaning tool would be the micro fiber cloth. I form them into a few things i call "Duster Bunnies"� or "Boo Boo Bunnies"� and supply them as gifts.

They are very effective in many cleaning situation. They grab onto dust and soil and don't let go.

Spay glass with cleaning solution for instance 2 drops of Basic H and 16 oz of water. Dry with micro fiber cloth leaves a streak free gleam.

Spray these with the basic H solution until they're damp while not wet. Dust with it and they're going to attract 420 more their weight in dust. The dusted area will stay free from dust longer than expected.

These towels are even great as scrubbers. They work just as good as Mister Clean Magic Erasers. For more affordable micro fiber clothes try searching within the automotive section.
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

Domestic rubber gloves Playtex living and marigold rubber gloves x.
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

I like this Swiffer mop, Febreeze and employ worn out socks for dusting.
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What is your favorite cleaning tip or tool for your household?

Vacuum's! Consider life without one. Picking up every tiny speck piece by piece...vacuum's enable it to be far easier for all of us.
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can anyone please give me a few cleaning tips?

ok so i brought an empty fill in cook book to put with recipes and give to a friend as a gift. in the book there's a section for " handy household tips" i want to put little things in it that a lot of young people when they first move out don't realize. any original ideas???? for example, does vinegar really clean, if so how much and for what? how do you remove a blood stain? an oil stain from cooking? and anything else that's more typical then most people realize.thanks to anyone who answers, i know its a pretty long question
can anyone please give me a few cleaning tips?

google you'll get the many tips that you require.
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