Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
1 sm To medium-sized duck, cut 1 Sprig rosemary
-into small serving pieces 1 c Dry red wine
Salt and pepper 1 c Beef broth
2 c Boiling water 2 tb Tomato paste
10 Dried shiitake mushrooms 1/4 ts Fennel seeds
2 Onions, chopped 6 Kale leaves, or outer
2 tb Olive oil -cabbage leaves
4 oz Pancetta, diced (prosciutto 2 c Cooked, drained cranberry
-or other full-flavored -beans or borlotti beans
-ham may be substituted) 1 lb Pappardelle
3 Garlic cloves, chopped Freshly grated cheese,
1 Carrot, diced -to taste
6 Sage leaves
4 servings
Sprinkle duck generously with salt and pepper, prick the skin well with a
fork (this helps the fat to drain out), then place in a roasting pan and
roast, uncovered, in a 350 degree oven about 45 minutes. Pour off fat from
pan once or twice during cooking, and discard. Meanwhile, pour the boiling
water over mushrooms. Cover and let rehydrate. Set aside. Lightly saute
onion in olive oil with pancetta, garlic and carrot until onion is
softened, then add half of the sage and the rosemary. Pour in half of the
wine; boil down until reduced by about half, then add remaining wine and
half of the broth. Continue to boil down for about 5 minutes, then add
tomato paste and fennel seeds. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes over low
heat. When duck is cool enough to handle, remove skin and bones. Cut meat
into bite-sized pieces and add to sauce. Blanch the greens quickly in
boiling water, drain and run under cold water. Cut into bite-sized pieces.
Add to the simmering sauce, along with the beans. Pour all the fat out of
duck-roasting pan. Place pan over medium heat and add remaining broth,
stirring to incorporate any full-flavored bits. Add this liquid to the
simmering sauce, along with remaining sage leaves. Remove mushrooms from
their soaking liquid, discard stems, and slice caps; add to sauce. Strain
the mushroom-soaking liquid through a double layer of cheesecloth or a
paper coffee filter, and add to the sauce. If the sauce is too thin, strain
into a saucepan and boil down until reduced in volume and intensified in
flavor. Return to sauce solids. Cook pappardelle until al dente, then serve
with the sauce. Sprinkle cheese on top. Serves 4 to 6.