Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
<div>1/2 cup Fresh Parsley - coarsely chopped
1/3 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/4 cup Lemon or Lime juice - I prefer lime
2 Tablespoons Shallots - minced
1 teaspoon Garlic - minced
1 teaspoon Dried Hot-Pepper Flakes (more or less depending on your whimp meter - LOL)
1/4 teaspoon Salt (sea salt is best)

Stir it all together in a glass bowl.
Allow the flavors to marry by covering the glass bowl and refrigerate for several hours.

Pour, spoon or drizzle over your entree and enjoy.

This is the best in condiments great for any entree. Beef, Pork, Chicken, fish and any kind of Vegetarian dish also.

It is quite oily and you can always double the recipe if you like it. Oh, by the way it's also great on eggs.