Easy Recipe Finder

Recipe Feeder
Yield: 2 Servings


* 2 c Tepid water
* 2 pk Instant yeast
* 4 tb Olive oil
* 5 1/2 c Flour
* 1/2 c Corn meal
* 1/4 ts Salt
* 1/2 c Salad oil


Mix this with 3 c flour for about 10 minutes. Then add rest of flour and kneed 15 more minutes. Let dough rise once to double size. Punch down. Then divide the dough in two (makes two pizzas). Spread out dough flat. Oil the pan with olive oil and sprinkle with corn meal. Spread the dough out in the pan and spread it around to cover the entire bottom then push it up the sides - like a pie crust. If it doesn't cover the whole pan push it around til it does. Let it rise again. Put thin slices of mozzarella over the entire bottom of the pizza. Squish and drain well one large can of skinned plum tomatoes and spread that over the cheese. Add a smidge of salt (I also add ground black pepper). Chop or crush garlic over this (I use lots). Basil and oregano sprinkled generously on top. Put on filing to taste (I use sliced onions and spicy Italian sausage). Then sprinkle over the top a combo of fresh grated Parma and Romano. Bake for 35 to 40 min at 475. Crust should be brown and crunchy. Hope you like it. I usually make two at a time with one having no meat on it for the non-meat crowd (using zuccini peppers mushrooms onions). One pizza is usually enough for 4 people with a salad.