So I want to know if anyone has any ideas on how I could incorporate this bread into a dish. Strange ideas are more than welcome, even if you've never done it. I'm having a party this weekend and I've gotta bring a dish. Obviously I'm going to make something more mainstream but if I could find a use for this bread - no it's not bad, I am just the only one who eats it and so I never get it done in time. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks. And if you think I'm nuts you can say that too. lol.
Bread pudding. It would taste DELISH with the cinnamon bread instead of regular ol' poopy bread. Find the recipe here:
Put some honey and pile fruit (bananas/apples) on it and broil it for a few minutes..sorta like a warm fruit compote.
What about a bread pudding? that could be good and different with the cinnimon on the bread. I've never tried it but it sounds good.
I'm not sure what you could do, try I swear by that site you can do an ingredient search and see if anyones posted a recipe with that in it. Good Luck
Maybe you can make French Toast, or there make stuffed french toast, get some cream cheese and mix it with some jelly and make the toast like you are going to make regular F.T. but make it like a grilled cheese sandwich except with the Cream Cheese and Jelly... so delicious.
Bread pudding. Break the bread up and put it into a loaf pan. Mix three eggs with 1-1/2 cups of milk. Pour onto the bread, and set that pan into a 9x13" pan of water. Bake at 350 degrees for an hour. Check to see if it's done with a 'toothpick' to the center. If it's done, the toothpick will be clean, if it's not done, put it back into the oven and 'check' for doneness every fifteen minutes. Most bread puddings are done in an hour to an hour and a half. Serve sliced with whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon on top ... YUM.
take a bowl put Cinnamon butter vanilla in it and mix it up put it on the bread and let it sit or you can bake it in the oven ( there isn't a specific time amount to put it in just watch it and take it out when it smells really really good)
Well this works for may recipies and making fruit salads and such just add a teaspoon of lemon juice to your recipie and then it will stay gurantee fresh longer and you wont even taste it in your bread and you can use it in any bread of fruit sald or any kind of salad recipie.Well, I hope i helped!
Stuffing with apples, celery, and diced brown sausage. Here's a recipe for lamb chops and cinnamon raisin stuffing: