Im Just Kerri

New member
Any one have any household cleaning tips that i can use Vinegar or maybe other household remedies...Im allergic to bleach so im looking to clean with things i have in my home.
I clean my window and shower with vinegar. I also descale my kettle with it. Its great for cleaning mirrors and draining boards too :D
Vinegar is a mild acid. It is good for coffee pots windows, glass, porcelain. Use white vinegar to clean and apply vinegar for cooking...its very healthful.Soap cuts grease both powder and liquid. Naptha soap is also good as is lye soap...wonderously powerful but no suds. I am afraid that bleach is one of the best cleaners as it kills bacteria...its the chlorine in it that does the job...maybe you should try a scented chlorine bleach and use rubber is REALLY cheap and great stuff.
Vinegar will clean your coffee maker, countertops, windows. You can use it almost anywhere you'd use another kind of cleaner.
I keep white vinegar in a spray bottle and use it all over the house for cleaning, wiping stuff off, spritzing the new puppys accidents and wiping up (doesn't stink like pee afterwards). I use it on windows, floors, doors, counters and I add it to stinky wash, or wash I want super clean. It also helps, when used in the wash, as a softener in the dryer oddly enough. I use it for cleaning the bathrooms and rinsing my hair with for extra shine. Mix it with baking soda and your drains will not get clogged so easy and will smell better. Good for removing the smells from a room after a party, cooking fish or a smoker smoking in the house, by placing bowls of vinegar in a room. Also, if you place a bowl of vinegar in an oven overnight, makes it easier to clean in the morning. Can also be used in a microwave for removing burnt smells and by running the mw a minute or two, will remove smells and make it easier to scrape the accidents off. I know there are more, but those are the one I use pretty regular. Hope this helps you!
I clean away water deposits on sinks and faucets with vinegar. I sometimes put it in the rinse water of my laundry it deodorizes and is a fabric softener. I can not use bleach either, I use borax. It is good for so many things, too.I thought that the Linda Cobb, the Queen of Clean, has lots of useful information.
You can use vingar on anything. I put in down my disposal, in my dishwasher, washing machine, use it in the bathrooms. There isn't a place I don't use vinegar.
Vinegar is great for cleaning wood, vinyl floors, shower stalls, removing water and calcium deposits from humidifiers and more. Also try using baking soda as a mild abrasive. Lemon juice is also a good cleaner. Flax Soap or Murphy's Oil soap are very safe and natural cleaners. Rubbing alcohol for ink stains and hydrogen peroxide as a bleach alternative. There are also a lot of "green" cleaning products that are safe and natural.Check the link below. Linda Cobb uses a lot of safe cleaning products.
Vinegar is excellent for cleaning windows, mirrors any type of ceramic tile material. Baking soda with just a little bit of vinegar cleans your caulking around the bathtub very well. But, right now I'm trying to think about the name of this british reality T.V. show. These two ladies go into the filthiest, scummiest, dirtiest homes and after they give a well deserved lecture to the occupants about the health hazard they live in, they clean the house entirely with common, household remedies. I hope someone might remember this show and can put it up for you! If not I keep wathing T.V. and if I find them I edit my page.
Vinegar and water will clean the chrome on your faucets, Vinegar will also get rid of hardwater-on your shower curtain,in the shower,pet's water bowl..etc
in your laundry.... 1/4 cup per load in the wash to sanitize and whiten and 1/4 in the rinse to soften and sanitize.wash foors and everything can also clean your drains.... 2T (i use more) of the old arm & hammer from the fridge, 1 cup of vinegar and then flush with hot water after it finished bubbling.washing floors, faucest - anything 1/4 to a gallon of water. works great on hardwood floors, tile -- everything!!!
Vinegar is good for cleaning glass. So is rubbing alcohol. If you use newspaper instead of paper towels to clean windows, it won't leave lint on the glass.Baking soda can be used on some things. If you add salt, it becomes an abrasive. (Salt also disinfects.)Creme of Tartar can be used also to clean some things.Lemon juice can be used in MOST things instead of bleach, but it won't disinfect.It will also remove some stains from laundry. Just saturate the item with lemon juice and hang it in the sun on a hot sunny day. I don't know if it works on mildew like bleach does, though.Check out a book called "Talking Dirty With the Queen of Clean" by Linda Cobb. (sssshhhh........, it's my secret weapon!) She has ALL sorts of interesting and novel cleaning suggestions that actually WORK! She has ALSO written another book called "Talking Dirty Laundry With the Queen of Clean". It's just as good as the first one!ANOTHER suggestion is an oldie, but a goodie............"Hints from Heloise".I have also heard some good hints from Martha Stewart.Check the internet for non-toxic cleaners.GOOD LUCK!!