Cleaning tips?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
1) To help fight boredom, put on some music you like while you clean.2) This is where the music will really help: start with your closet, put all clean clothes where they belong (hangers, etc.) dirty clothes in a hamper, or laundry basket. Remember to put your shoes in the closet too. Then, your dresser-make sure all clean clothes are put away in proper order (underwear in top drawer, etc.,), Dust and declutter the top of the dresser, put things back where they belong. Same with desk, table, chair, etc. Have you changed the sheets on your bed yet this week? if not, please do so. Then Vacuum (or sweep the floor if hardwood), take out the trash. Done!Now, the trick is this: to keep it up daily--if you have dirty dishes in your room, take them out to the kitchen as soon as you are done eating/drinking. Have a place for your papers, a file folder, etc. Make sure all surfaces are decluttered before you go to bed. Make your bed every morning when you first get up. You only need to dust and vacuum and take the trash out once per week (unless you have a lot of trash). Basically, it's have a place for everything, and everything in it's place. Being organized helps keep things clean/tidy. 3) For storage bins, I would suggest Wal-Mart/K-Mart,for inexpensive but good storage bins. Have fun. Take care.