I just went back to work full time and I need cleaning tips!!!?

I work anywhere around 80-30 hours every 2 weeks. I do spot cleaning before work. I clean as I go. Before I work when I have some extra time I walk around and dust, then I pick up everything in the living room. I start a load of laundry. When I get home, I prepare supper and I wash the dishes as I go. I also do laundry while I am woking on supper. After supper clean up, sweep, mop. Develope a routine that works for you, that way you can enjoy your days off!
I just went back to work full time and I need cleaning tips!!!?

you should get organized, if the house is tidy cleaning won't take much time. make it a point to have a place for everything and to return everything you use immediately where it belongs when you finish with it. wash the dishes as your cooking, then they won't pile up, if you fill the sink with hot soapy water and drop the utensils and bowls as you cook and clean they won't dry up until washing them.before going to bed, i suggest you tidy up the living area and quick clean the toilet, decide what you will wear next day and iron if you need to, prepare your handbag, files etc. also if you take lunch to work at night, this will make your life easier in the morning.i actually have a chores chart that is detailed, i even wrote which day laundry is done (Monday i do whites, Wednesday colors...) some days i dust, some days i cook (i usually bulk cook in the weekend)...etc. this actually works for me.just don't be too tough on yourself and learn to let go :)
I just went back to work full time and I need cleaning tips!!!?

If you have a dishwasher, go to a DIY store to get water softener salt, much cheaper. To clear that fatty gunge from washing machine detergent, hot wash with ordinary washing soda (55 Pence a bag, throw the lot in) Cleaning oven shelves/grill, get a plastic underbed storage trough (DIY store), 3/4 full of water, tub of caustic soda (read the warnings) mix well, put all your oven shelves & grill pans in. Clean by morning, no hard graft. Do this near a drain, easier to get rid of in morning.
I just went back to work full time and I need cleaning tips!!!?

I'm a professional cleaner, and I also clean my own house, but I keep up with it to avoid having a lot to do on the weekend. Before leaving for work, straighten up, get dishes out of the sink, pick up crap laying around the house. I have two bathrooms, so before going out, I use a wet cloth and a bottle of spray cleaner and wipe the toilet and sink, and simply close the shower curtain. An after-shower spray is great in keeping your tub and shower fresh. Just have the last person to shower spray in in the tub and shower when they are finished. It keeps hold and mildew from growing.It also helps to ask the others living in the house to pick up after themselves, but in my house this request has turned me into a nag!
I just went back to work full time and I need cleaning tips!!!?

before you begin cleaning make a list of things to do.set your timer for 15 minutes.you should be able to finish 1 task in 15 minutes.i thought i can't but i guess it's like racing against time. i tried it in my bathroom (I only have a shower in my bathroom). i put a toilet cleaner inside the bowl & let it sit for a while. while waiting for it i turn on the hot water in the shower so it will moist then spray a multi purpose cleaner.i dusted the windowsills, blinds, countertops everything that i can dust.mop the floor (sweep if you must, but i use swiffer dry dust cloths it can pick every single hair)after that i scrub the tiles in th shower then clean the toilet bowl.last is the sink pour the cleaner and scrub away.that's it.it also helps if you make a mini clean up before going to bed. happy cleaning. i hope i was able to help you.
Do you know of any home cleaning tips?

So I have just noticed that a bottle of hairspray has leaked on the fake wood floor and has dried. In the process it has acted like some kind of glue and now my shoe is stuck to the floor. I was thinking of just using some wet towels and soaking it in hopes that that would loosen it up and make it some what liquid like. But, if anyone out there has a better tip it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Do you know of any home cleaning tips?

You could try leaving a damp cloth on the hairspray but not for more than about half an hour if this is a laminate floor. You'll know before that if it's going to dissolve anything. You could try dissolving it with alcohol on a cloth. My money's on the alcohol being best since hairspray uses alcohol as a solvent. Next housekeeping tip would be to stop leaving stuff lying around, especially tipped-over bottles, so this kind of thing doesn't happen in the first place.
Do you know of any home cleaning tips?

Nail polish remover should remove the hair spray and, yes, you can use nail polish remover on Laminate Flooring (fake wood). Step 1Apply enough nail polish remover to a paper towel to very lightly dampen it. Start with a small amount to prevent dripping excess remover onto the laminate. Press the moistened paper towel directly onto the hair spray mark.Step 2Hold the paper towel on top of the area for approximately 30 seconds so the nail polish remover can dissolve and loosen the stain. Leave the nail polish remover on the stain for another 30 seconds or so if the hair spray is thick.Step 3Rub the paper towel across the stain in a gentle back and forth motion. Add more nail polish remover to the paper towel if necessary, and continue to rub the stain until the hair spray is gone.Step 4Moisten a mop in warm water, and wring it out to get rid of any excess water. Mop the entire floor with the warm water. Concentrate on cleaning the area where the stain was to remove any lingering nail polish remover or remaining hair spray particles.Step 5Wipe the floor with a clean cloth. Make sure the laminate floor is completely dry because the excess moisture could damage the floor or cause it to loosen or warp.-
anyone need any cleaning tips?

I have got deep scratches in my white lineoleum floor where the owner sbefore us moved furniture.... they are black scratches... I know I can't make a scratch go away, but, is there a way to get the black color out of the scratch so that the scratch is not so noticeable? I tried Magic Eraser, but, it didn't work...tried Comet also...
Pls share your valuable cleaning tips/?

There is a wonderful web-site www.flylady.comShe gives cleaning tips and lists- she also sends out e-mail regarding things like laundry reminders etc.
Pls share your valuable cleaning tips/?

You crack me up! Have a bunch a kids and then turn into Mommy Dearest...they can keep the house clean for you. It will also do wonders for your marriage!
Pls share your valuable cleaning tips/?

No home should be without a cleaner called Greased Lightning! It will remove pretty much any stain you can imagine. You can pretreat laundry, clean carpets, bathrooms, kitchens. You name it, it can do it!!
Pls share your valuable cleaning tips/?

i only have time to clean on the weekends. i devote saturday morning and i clean upo for a whole family. use vinegar or bleach get one cleaner for everything. wal mart usually gets your best deal. i use my clean for a brand. price is good for the products you buy. start high and work your way to floors. it usually takes me 1-2 hrs to clean my whole house wich is 1900 sf.
Pls share your valuable cleaning tips/?

My cleaning staples include, but not limited to:- Clorox clean up spray (for kitchen counters, stove, bathroom counters, and around toilet)- Gallon of bleach (always handy for things like laundry, general cleaning)- Lysol spray (doorknobs, kids toys, everything I can't bleach!)- Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (crayon marks, scuff marks on floors, wax build up on floors, refrigerator, tub, outdoor plastic furniture, etc.)- Pledge (everyday dusting wood)- Murphy's Oil Soap (mixes with water for heavy wood cleaning like floors and staircase)- Windex and cotton knit towl (glass, windows, doors, mirrors)- Sno-bowl (toilet bowl)These are my everyday cleaners. I have more that I use occasionally. I first go through with a garbage bag and pick up any wrappers and trash left around. I then take all the dishes to the sink and put any clothes laying around away. I load my dishwasher and wipe down kitchen counters and sweep up the floor. Then I move on to the bathroom and clean everything. Next I do my wood (tables, shelves, etc.)and wipe them all down. Next is the glass cleaner, then I vaccum and mop all my floors. I mop my hardwood floors with Murphy's oil soap and water mixture. I mop my kitchen and bath with a mixture of hot water, dish soap and bleach. That's pretty much it for daily clean.Some people do one room at a time. I usually start with the trash and dishes from every room, then I do my kitchen, but after that I am all over. I go by cleaners, not rooms. If I have the pledge out, I go to every room and do all the wood. Then I use the windex and go to every room with mirrors and glass, etc. I spend maybe 1 hour a day with this routine, doing laundry after everything is clean, and it works for me. I'm 34 and within the last few years got my routine down, lol! Try different ways and find what's best for you! :) Best of luck on your new life here! :)
Does any one know a good website for cleaning tips?

Stains in carpet can be a hassle to remove. Never rub a stain, just blot. Rubbing breaks down the fibers and spreads the stain. Remove most food stains with shaving cream. Spray on and resist the temptation to rub it in, then let it set for 15 minutes. Rinse with a vinegar and water solution. Club soda generally removes red wine stains. Remove red dye stains (found in drink mixes, Popsicles, dog and cat food) with a 30/70 solution of peroxide to water. Remember, peroxide is bleach, so test an inconspicuous spot first for color fastness. Apply the mixture, wait 30 minutes, then remove as much moisture as possible and rinse with a vinegar/water solution. If the stain remains, add a bit more peroxide to the mixture and retreat.
Does any one know a good website for cleaning tips?

Go to this web site it has everything you could imagine to clean. Just click on the site and go.http://www.doityourself.com/scat/cleaningstainremoval Hope this helps you.