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I have started radiation for prostate cancer and diarrhea has started after my fourth treatment. I have been trying to eat a high fiber, low fat, tomatoes, whole wheat breads, no ice cream, some raw veggies, little red meat and lot's of chicken.This is a diet my wife and I started after her heart attack. What changes should I make?I've tried Kopectate, God that stuff is horrible, the doctor recommended Immonium AD, it hasen't been long enough to tell.How about yogurt and DanActive?
Try eating small frequent meals to help with nausea. Also avoid high fiber foods like fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, or dried fruit. Avoid greasy, high fat foods or sugary foods. Avoid alcohol and use caution with milk products.Check out this link
the two things that jump to my mind when i hear of cancer are TOMATOES and MUSHROOMS. tomatoes help reduce the chance of getting prostate cancer and mushrooms contain selenium which is an anti-cancer protein. there are even selenium suplements that you can take as pills daily.
Definitely cut out the fiber.Try to get as much protein in as possible and drink plenty of fluids. Also try some over the counter diarrhea meds.
Your diet is fairly all encompassing.I had problems with raw veggies and had to be careful with things acidic.I took Imodium and it was very helpful and stopped the problem within 2/3 days.High fiber and things more difficult to digest like fresh corn,broccoli,cabbage were avoided.Gradually add back in some of the items you have been avoiding and your body will tell you what will work and what won't.By the end of my treatments I was able to eat almost everything without problems.Imodium was necessary for another month or so. Each of us is different so don't get discouraged.You will find you will be able to eat and do much more than you think.Thinking of you Arthur,hang in there.